Wednesday, October 1, 2008


A strange word because of Poe,

who knows if he had dark circles,

would have liked Kashi waffles,

for the record PC's are the same,

Mac's are unilateral, pragmatic,

but functional, but sigh *

weight of why like a half-time show

;;;;;;; reflect on what you saw

;asdf jkl; 2t8;k pkb-ojv-ihc-ugx-yfz

let all know ; what and who they know

project your ideas wisely since it all

depends on common sense, the percentage

of which we are ;;;;;;; owners

of a certain cultural dividend - both

credits and debits and growing up moments

where so much time is spent pining

through needles and climbing naturally

on structures where time to play as a kid

marshes and meadows where tree lines cast brambles

where a heat wave would dwindle and clouds marshal

and fiddle, tiny legs with strings all around us,

cricket ;; cricket - to be inspired in concert

and golden natural laws with salt to refine it,

and critter eaters eat bread lessened with fire,

kidney punch your eyes down with a sight that resounded,

sorry it didn't harmonize but don't doubt rebounding,

the truth stalks to you like a hawk hawking truth,

I found Earth at Sea like sunny ice and a lottery,

the trust that a compass has pads technological value,

at a scale like untroubled wells that lead to ideas,

so small an avalanche couldn't fall to crush,

so each could wish to each of us,

we hold like chain-link arms,

We all hold good wishes and parts that can start,

work putting in and beating your heart,

and stopping the auto McPilot -

YING yang or ying Yang

'cause there's always a remainder

seems to explain a nation

if it's even then it's small

if it's large then it stalls

and knocks down all the walls.

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