Friday, December 5, 2008

Grand Standing

I've got eight-million great ideas a second, it would blow out your gaskets,
I wish no harm no call to arms here's rooms with views just for you,
Ian Dunbar just said dogs humans and horses, are the three saddest animals,
since all three will apologize after they've been punished with their victim's eyes,
I'm sorry I needed all that crappy abuse, cause I'm crap ever after no use,
bbbut red flags bang! attention gang anyone who said the above's gonna lose.
Negativity isn't necessary but a tiniest fraction of time and everyone else is just yelling -
you're wrong when you throw hate out, though it's your right, you're wrong to anyone it's done to.
Investing attention to detail, bringing details to action; the modes of better tele-communication.

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